XM – Christmas Collection SGS-XM003 - Santa's Workshop Cottage SGS-XM004 - Christmas Carol Singing Celebration XM008-01 Last Christmas of The War XM009-02 - Mr. Mrs. Claus having fun! XM012-01 - Christmas 1914 XM016-01 - Santa his Elves XM016-03 - Dickens Village Christmas Tree XM017-01 - Christmas Tree with Presents XM018 - Christmas Eve Santa XM019-01 - A Surprise for Santa XM019-02 - Santa's Christmas Cottage XM021 - Santa his Polar Bear XM022-01 - Santa and the polar Bear Express XM022-02 - Santa's Little Helper XM023-01 - Santa His Snowman XM023-02 - The teddy Bear's Snowman XM024 - Santa his Sledge