ROM & RnB – Les Romains et Gaulois RnB001 - Those who are about to die RnB002 - Battle Trophies RnB003 - The farewell RnB004 - Guarding the Prisoner RnB005 - The Mounted Scout RnB006 - Vercingetorix, Chief of the Gauls RnB007 - Caradoc, Chief of the Britons RnB008 - Short back and Sides RnB010 - Fighting Chieftain RnB011 - Fighting Warrior RnB012 - Charging Warrior RnB013 - No Mercy RnB014 - Mounted Chieftain with the Draco Standard RnB015 - Carnyx Horn Player RnB016 - Throwing Spear RnB017 - Advancing Warrior RnB018 - Crucifixion of a Tribal chief RnB019 - Scourging The prisonner RnB020 - The Centurion and his Prisoner RnB021 - Life or Death RnB022 - Kneel and Obey RnB023 - the Sitting Centurion RnB024 - A Head for a Head N°1 RnB025 - A Head for a Head N°2 RnB026 - Optio with Sword and Helmet RnB027 - Shouting Centurion RnB028 - Boadicea, Queen of Iceni RnB029 - The Fighting Boadicea RnB030 - Victory ! RnB032 - Celtic Speraman RnB034 - The Galloping Gaul RnB035 - Captor and Captive RnB036 - Gallic War Chief RnB037 - Charging Gaul RnB038 - Celtic Axeman RnB039 - Shouting Celt RnB040 - Death to the Romans RnB041 - The Roman Map Board RnB042 - Messalina RnB044 - The Hard-Working Servants RnB046 - The Lady Shopper RnB047 - The Farmer RnB048 - The Wine Merchant's Wife RnB050 - The Merchant RnB051 - The Game Players RnB052 - The Wine Drinkers RnB053 - Foreman and Worker RnB054 - The Noble Couple RnB057 - The Stone Mason Set RnB058 - Toung Roman Game Players RnB062 - The Butchers Table Set RnB063 - The Roman Orator ROM001 - The Legate ROM002 - The Tribune ROM003 - The Primus Pilus ROM004 - Roamn Centurion ROM005 - The Optio ROM006 - The Aquilifer ROM007 - Roman Signifier ROM008 - The Vexillum Bearer ROM009 - Roman Cornicen ROM010 - Legionary on Guard ROM011 - Standing Legionary with Marius Mule ROM012 - Marching Legionary ROM013 - Marching Legionary with Marius Mule ROM015 - Fighting with Sword Advancing ROM016 - Fighting with Sword about to Strike ROM017 - Fighting with Sword Thrusting ROM018 - Fighting with Sword (Kneeling ROM019 - Roman Archer Prepare to Fire ROM020 - Roman Archer Letting Fly ROM021 - Roman Archer Reaching for en Arrow ROM022 - Roman Archer Kneeling to Fire ROM023 - Roman Soldier Throwing Pilum ROM024 - Roman Soldier Kneeling with Pilum ROM025 - Roman Archer Taking Aim ROM026 - Roman Archer Officer Shouting Orders ROM027 - Marching on Guard Duty ROM029 - Defending a comrade ROM030 - The Fallen Soldier ROM031 - Pilum Thrower ROM032 - Standing Senior Officer ROM033 - The Ballista Crew Set ROM034 - The Ballista Command Set ROM035 - The Praerorian Centurion ROM036 - Praetorian on Guard Duty ROM037 - Marching Praetorien ROM038 - Gaius Julius Caesar (Jules César) ROM039 - The Emperor Augustus ROM040 - Pompey the Great (106 av. JC - 48 av. JC.) ROM041 - Germanicus (15 av. JV - 19 ap. JC.) ROM042 - Praetorian Cohort Standard Bearer ROM043 - Praetorian Aquilifer ROM044 - Praetorian Cornicen ROM045 - Emperor Vespasien (9 ap. JC - 79 ap. JC) ROM046 - The Emperor Hadrian (76 ap. JC - 138 ap. JC) ROM047 - At Attention Roman Legionary with Pilum ROM048 - At Attention Roman Legionary with Gladius Sword ROM049 - Advancing Praetorian Guard ROM050 - Standing-At-Attention Praetorian Guard ROM051 - The Roman Testudo (16 figurines) ROM052 - The Roman War Dog Set ROM053 - The Praetorian Centurion ROM054 - Chief of the Praetorian Guard ROM055 - Roman Testudo Reinforcements (5 figurines) ROM056 - Advancing Legionary with Pilum ROM057 - Advancing Legionary with Sword in Right Hand ROM058 - Advancing Legionary with Sword in Left Hand ROM059 - The Senior Mounted Legate ROM060 - Kneeling Roman Legionary ROM061 - Standing Roman Legionary Throwing Pilum ROM062 - Roman Soldiers at ease ROM063 - Inspection ! ROM064 - Rome at War (set of 6 figures) ROM065 - The Mounted Roman General ROM067 - The Lictors (Set of 4) ROM072 - The Trumpeters (Set of 4) SP109 - Roman Shields and Spears set