RAF – Royal Air Force (WW2) RAF027 - RAF Bedford QL Fuel Bowser UK Version RAF029 - RAF Bedford QL Fuel Bowser Normandy Version RAF031 - Rocket Primers RAF032 - The Rocket Handler RAF033 - Sitting Airman - EPUISE - OUT OF STOCK RAF035 - Typhoon Pilot RAF037(SL) - Morris CS8 British 15 Cwt. Truck (RAF) RAF038 - V for Victory (Winston Churchill) RAF040 - RAF Medic Wounded Pilot RAF041 - Humber Heavy Utility RAF043 - Flight Lieutenant Bill Reid V.C. RAF045 - RAF Airfield Tractor RAF046 - RAF Airfield Starter Cart RAF047 - Air Vice Marshal Arthur Coningham RAF048 - Neville Duke, D.S.O., D.F.C. and two bars, A.F.C. RAF049 - Clive Caldwell, D.S.O, D.F.C. and bar RAF050 - Desert Erks RAF051 - The Royal Air Force Jeep - disponible mi-février RAF054 - RAF Bedford 1939 Fire Appliance RAF055 - The Cricket Club RAF057 - A Nice Cup of Tea RAF058 - Arms Folded RAF059 - Intelligence Officer RAF060 - Sitting and Thinking RAF061 - Pilot with Map RAF062 - Watching and Waiting RAF063 - The Card Game RAF064 - Tea and Sandwich Table RAF067(SL) - Hawker Hurricane GNA (limited Edition 300 sets) RAF068 - Fire Sergeant - disponible au tout début janvier (1) RAF069 - Two RAF firemen Fighting the Blaze RAF070 - The Axeman RAF071 - The Aston Martin Ulster (Fire Engine Red) RAF072 Air Vice Marshal Sir Keith Park RAF074 - The Aston Martin Ulster (Sky Blue) RAF075 - A Trio of Aces RAF076 - Spitfire MKII (Battle of Britain 1968) RAF078 - Air Chief Mareshall Sir Hugh Dowding RAF079 - Standing Flight Sergeant RAF080 - Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding the WAAF Section officer RAF081 - Battle of Britain Operations Room Set RAF083 - The RAF Dispersal Caravan 1940 RAF084 - Playing Drafts-Checkers RAF086 - RAF Police Dog Handler Set RAF087 - Saluting RAF Policeman RAF088 - RAF Fighter Pilots at Ease RAF089 - RAF Ground Crew Set RAF090 - RAF NCO Inspectors RAF091 - RAF Ground Crew Cyclist RAF092 - RAF Armourers Set RAF093 - Sqdn. Ldr. Douglas Bader's Hawker Hurricane RAF099 - Sqdn. Ldr. Robert Stanford - Tuck's Hawker Hurricane