CE & MRDG & TR – Cérémonial : Gardes Suisses et Britanniques CE-S01 - Complete Commando Colour Party CE001 - British Shoulder Arms CE002 - British Saluting Guards Officer CE003 - British Marching Guards Officer CE004 - British Marching Guardsman with Rifle CE005 - British Marching Officer with King’s Colour CE006 - British Drum Sergeant CE007 - British Guard Drummer CE008 - British Guard Fifer CE009 - British Guard Stand-At-Ease CE017 - Swiss Guardsman at Attention CE018 - Swiss Guardsman Standing-at-Ease CE019 - Swiss Guardsman Corporal Saluting CE020 - Swiss Guardsman Musician with Trumpeter CE021 - British Guard Box CE023 - Swiss Guard Drummer CE024 - Swiss Guard Officer CE025 - Swiss Guard Standard Bearer CE026 - Swiss Guard Recruit CE027 - Swiss Guardsman with Two-Handed Sword CE028 - The Black Watch Pipes drums (13 figurines) CE029 - Mounted Black Watch Officer CE030 - The Colonel's Bugler CE031 - Sergeant-of-the-Guard CE032 - Sentry Duty CE033 - Officer of the Day CE034 - Present Arms CE036 - Black Watch Sergeant Marching CE037 - Black Watch Private Marching) CE038 - The Garrison Sergeant Major CE039 - The Sovereign's Standard Bearer CE040 - The Life Guards Trumpeter CE041 - Royal Marines Officer with Sword CE042 - Royal Marines Officer with Queen's Colour CE043 - Royal Marine Bugler CE044 - Royal Marine Drum Major CE045 - Royal Marines Sergeant CE046 - Royal Marines Marching - disponible début juillet CE047 - Royal Marine Sergeant Presenting Arms CE048 - Royal Marine Present Arms CE049 - Royal Marine Drummer-Bugler CE050 - The Parade Commander CE051 - His Royal Highness, Prince Charles CE052 - HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge CE053 - The Life Guards Farrier CE055 - Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II CE056 - Goldstream Guards Officer with Regimental Flag CE058 - Stand easy Black Watch Soldier CE059 - Royal Marines Officer with 40 Commando Colour CE060 - Black Watch Escort Set (value added set) CE061 - The Black Watch Piper CE062 - The Black Watch Drummer CE063 - The Royal Marine Drum Bugle Corps CE064 - Coldstream Guardsman Present Arms CE065 - Coldsteam Guards Bugler CE066 - Royal Marines Colour Sergeant CE067 - Black Watch Officer Marching CE068 - Black Watch Officer at Attention CE069 - Standing Black Watch Lance Corporal CE070 - The Black Watch Colour Party CE072 - The Life Guards drum Horse HECTOR CE073 - HRH Prine Philip, Colonel of the grenadier Guards CE074 - HM King Edward VIII, Colonel-In-Chief of the Welsh Guards CE075 - The Life Guards Drum Horse HERCULES CE076 - Standing Life Guards Trooper CE077 - Standing Life Guards Trumpeter CE078 - The Coldstream Guards Regimentl Band CE079 - Coldstream Guard Side Drummer CE080 - Coldstream Guard Flautist CE081 - Coldstream Guard Clarinetist CE082 - Coldstream Guard Saxophonist CE083 - Coldstream Guard French Horn Player CE084 - Coldstream Guard Cornet Player CE085 - Coldstream Guard Trombonist CE086 - Coldstream Guard Medium Bass Tuba Player CE087 - Coldstream Guard Large Bass Tuba Player CE089 - The Young Queen Elizabeth II CE090 - Yeoman of the Guard with Partisan (Marching) CE091 - Yeoman of the Guard, Messenger Sergeant Major CE092 - Yeoman of the Guard with Long Axe CE094 - King Charles III CE095 - Yeoman of the Guard with Partisan (Standing at Attention) CE096 - Mounted Officer of the Blues and Royals CE097 - The Bmlues Royals Drumhorse HORATIUS CE098 - The Danish Sentry Bo CE099 - Mounted Blues And Royals Standard Bearer CE100 - Mounted Blues And Royals Trumpeter CE101 - Standing Blues And Royals Trooper CE103 - Mounted Blues And Royals Corporal of Horse CE104 - Mounted Blues And Royals Trooper CE105 - Marching Lance Sergeant Company Marker CE106 - At Attention Company Marker Corporal CE107 - The Princess Royal, Colonel of the Blues Royals CE109 - Naval Rating Presenting Arms CE110 - Naval Rating Marching with SLR CE111 - Royal Navy Commander on parade with Sword CE112 - Royal Navy Lieutenant Saluting CE113 - Royal Navy Sub Lieutenant Marching with White Ensign CE114 - Royal Navy Master At Arms Marching CE115 - Royal Navy Petty Officer Marching with SLR CE116 - Marching Company Marker Corporal CE117 - The Irish Guards Mascot Seamus and Handler MRDG001 - Standing Guard MRDG003 - Royal Life Guards Colour Party MRDG004 - Marching Royal Danish Lifeguardsman MRDG005 - Danish Marching Drummer MRDG006 - Royal Life Guards Standard Bearer MRDG007 - Royal Life Guards Sergeant MRDG008 - Royal Life Guards Fifer MRDG009 - Danish Life Guard At Attention TR001 - Victoria and Albert TR008 - The Emperor Franz-Joseph