NA – Les anglais de l'époque napoléonienne NA-S03 - The 95th Rifle Section NA-S04 - British Rifle Reinforcement Set NA-S07 - Blood, Bullets and Cold Steel NA-S08 - The Redcoat Value-Added Set NA212 - Gordon Highlanders Sergeant Major NA214 - Gordon Highlanders Officer with the King's Colour NA215 - Gordon Highlanders Bagpiper NA241 - 92nd Highlanders marching with rifle NA257 - Major General Pakenham NA258 - Lieut. General Stapleton Cotton NA265 - Royal marine Standing Firing NA266 - Royal Marine Kneeling Firing NA269 - Royal Marine Kneeling To Repel NA283 - British Officer with Flag NA285 - Kneeling Firing NA286 - Standing Loading NA287 - Standing to Repel NA288 - Kneeling to Repel NA290 - Helping the Wouned NA291 - Standing Firing NA292 - Mounted Highland Officer NA293 - Fighting Piper NA294 - Highlander Aye Ready NA295 - Fighting Gordon Highlander NA296 - Kneeling Highlander Loading NA297 - Old Highlander Careful Laddie NA298 - Highlander Charging forward with rifle and bayonet NA299 - Gordon Highlander Advancing NA300 - Highlander Bayonet Lunge NA338 - Royal Artillery Cannon NA338 à NA345 - Royal Artillery, vue d'ensemble NA339 - Royal Artillery Mounted Officer NA340 - Gunners Set A NA341 - Gunners Set B NA343 - Royal Artillery Corporal with Fuse Rod NA344 - Sergeant with Pike NA345 - Royal Artillery Battery Sergeant Major NA346 - Ready, aye ready NA347 - Advance to the Front NA376 - 95th Rifles Officer with Telescope NA377 - 95th Lying Sniper NA378 - 95th Bugler NA379 - 95th Rifles Lying Prone Rifleman NA380 - 95th Advance to Your Front NA381 - 95th Kneeling Firing NA382 - British 95th Standing firing NA383 - British 95th Chosen Man NA384 - British 95th Rifles Sergeant NA385 - British 95th Rifleman Loading NA386 - British 95th Rifles Officer with Sabre NA417 - Colonel of the Regiment NA418 - British Infantry Captain NA419 - British Infantryman with Pike Staff NA420 - British Drummer Boy NA421 - British Reaching for a cartridge NA422 - Kneeling Cocking his Musket NA423 - British Kneeling ready NA424 - British Lying Prone Firing NA425 - British Hors de combat NA426 - The Duke of Wellington NA427 - King German Legion (KGL) Dragoon with Sabre Down NA428 - KGL Light Dragoon Charging NA429 - King German Legion (KGL) Dragoon Advancing at the Gallup NA430 - King German Legion (KGL) Dragoon Charge NA431 - King German Legion, Dragoon Movong Forward NA432 - KGL Light Dragoon with Carbine NA433 - KGL Trumpeter NA434 - Rifleman reloading NA435 - Regimental Sergeant Major NA436 - The Temporary regimental Standard Bearer NA437 - Kneeling to Repel NA438 - Engage the Enemy NA455 - Wellington Commands Conference NA469 - The Duke of Wellington NA475 - Gordon Highlanders Mounted Major NA476 - Sergeant Ewart the French Standard NA477 - Scots Grey Charging with Sabre Down NA478 - The Scots Grey Galloper NA479 - Scots Grey Trumpeter NA480 - The Scots Greys Slasher NA481 - Scots Grey Charging with sword to the Front NA482 - The Scots Greys Trooper NA483 - Scots Grey Charging with Sword NA484 - Scots Grey Casualty